Assessment of the Psychosocial Behavior Associated to Elderly Drivers to Reduce Their Involvement in Crashes

University  Florida A&M University (FAMU)
Principal Investigators  Doreen Kobelo, Ph.D.
PI Contact Information  School of Architecture and Engineering Technology
Phone: 850.561.2920
Funding Source(s)and Amounts  Provided(by each agency or organization)  USDOT: $30,100
Florida State University: $15,100
Total Project Cost  $45,200
Agency ID or Contract Number 
Start and End Dates 1/9/2014 - 12/23/2014
Brief Description of Research Project 

Older adults living in rural areas have less access to transportation than their urban counterparts. More rural dwelling older adults are dependent on their own private vehicles to have access to services and social events. Access to alternative transportation has been correlated to older adults voluntarily ceasing to drive. Prior to giving up driving, many older adults self-regulate their driving behaviors in response to changes associated with age, such as decreased mobility, cognition, and vision. Very little research has been done on comparison of self-regulatory behaviors between rural and urban older drivers and its impact on driver cessation. This proposal advances the goal of accessibility and community connectivity by assessing driver fitness and to provide education to rural dwelling older adults and their community on self-modifications to changes in functional abilities and to provide low tech adaptations to compensate for declines in physical capacities. The primary objective of this research is to determine whether rural older adults are less likely to self regulate their driving behaviors, and as a result cease from driving when they are not fit to drive, compared to urban dwelling older adults. The study will also examine whether urban-dwelling older adults are more likely to self-regulate their driving behaviors because they have more options for alternative transportation.

Describe Implementation of Research Outcomes (or why not implemented) Place Any Photos Here Final Report
Impacts/Benefits of Implementation (actual, not anticipated) See Final Report
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