[1] Gepner Bronislaw, Gleba Michal, Jung Sungmoon, and Wekezer Jerry, (2015). (In press), "Strain Rate Dependency in Paratransit Bus Rollover," International Journal of Automotive Technology
[2] Horner Mark W., Duncan Michael, Wood Brittany, Valdez-Torres Yazmin, and Stansbury Chris. (2015). "Do Aging Populations Have Differential Accessibility to Activities? Analyzing the Spatial Structure of Social, Professional, and Business Opportunities," Travel Behavior and Society 2(3), 182-191.
[3] Horner Mark W., Schleith Daniel, and Widener Michael J. (2015). "An analysis of the commuting and jobs-housing patterns of older adult workers. The Professional Geographer, 67(4), 575-585.
[4] Ozguven, E. E., and Ozbay, K., (2015). "An RFID-based Inventory Management Framework for Emergency Relief Operations," Transportation Research Part C, 57, 166-187.
[5] Ozguven, E. E., and Ozbay, K. (2014). "Emergency Inventory Management for Disasters - A Review," Journal of Emergency Management, 12(4), 269-286.
[6] Ozguven, E. E., Horner. M., Kocatepe, A., Marcelin, J. M., Abdelrazig, Y., Sando, T., and Moses, R., (2015). (Published ONLINE). "Metadata-based Needs Assessment for Emergency Transportation Operations with a Focus on an Aging Population: A Case Study in Florida," Transport Reviews, 30 pages.
[7] Souders Dustin J., Gepner Bronislaw, Charness Neil, and Wekezer Jerry, (2015). (In press), "A User-Centered Literature Review of Safety and Human Factors Issues Involving Older Adults as Cutaway Bus Passengers," Transportation Research Record, National Academy Press. Washington, D.C., 2015.
[8] Wright, T. J., Vitale, T., Boot, W. R., and Charness, N. (2015, October 19). The Impact of Red Light Running Camera Flashes on Younger and Older Drivers' Attention and Oculomotor Control. Psychology and Aging. Advance online publication. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pag0000052.
[9] Wright, T. J., Boot, W. R., Charness, N., and Vitale, T., (2015). (In press), The Impact of Red Light Running Camera Flashes on Younger and Older Drivers' Attention and Oculomotor Control. Psychology and Aging.
[1] Horner, M., Ozguven, E. E., Marcelin, J. M., and Kocatepe, A., "Placing Special Needs Hurricane Shelters for Serving the Aging Population: Development of a Methodology and a Case-study Application," Under review in Disasters.
[2] Marcelin, J. M., Horner. M., Ozguven, E. E., and Kocatepe, A., "How do disaster relief needs compare between aging and the general population? A spatial network optimization analysis of hurricane relief facility locations," Under review in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
[3] Ozel, H., Ozguven. E. E., Kocatepe, A., and Horner, M., "Aging-focused Accessibility Assessment of Multi-modal Facilities: A GIS-based Case Study in the State of Florida," Under review in Transportation Research Record.
[4] Wood, B., Horner M, and Duncan, M.," Aging Populations and Transit-Oriented Development: Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Neighborhood Trends from 2000 and 2010,". Under review in Transportation Research Record.
[5] Vemulapalli, S., Ozguven, E. E., Sando, T., Horner, M., Abdelrazig, Y., and Moses, R., "GIS-based Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Aging-Involved Accidents: A Case Study of Three Counties in Florida," Under Review in Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy.